Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sreenu's Love Letter

Sheila I don't know whether it's love or not. I still wonder what it is.

The day I saw you first time, I bunked my class.
The day I touched you, I skipped my dinner.
The day teenage touched my feet, your thoughts touched my mind.
The day you talked to me,my heart stopped beating for a while.

I have been in love with you from the day I started Physics.

I learned the Newton's third law from the pages of Physics and I applied.It worked everywhere.

I hit a ball on the wall, it hit back.
I threw a stone on a dog, It bit me.
I gave flying kiss to Minakshi medam, She slapped me.

But it didn't work with you. why? Didn't you study Physics? Are you weak in Physics?
You might have come to me. I might have taught you Physics.

Still you look at me like a stranger. I am yet to figure out what is it between us?I have to apply all the formulas I know to find out the X between us.

Can you tell me what is the X between us?Oh.......... Sorry Sorry. You are weak in Mathematics right. I remember, you used to come to me to solve the Math problems. Ok Ok.... I will find the X soon and let you know what it is.

Till I find the X, you forget all the Maths and Physics and think of the Chemistry we have to make if it is Love.

Yours Lovingly,

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