It's a long time from my last post. I am coming up with a story. I hope you will like it.
As we know both man and woman are human beings. They belong to same species still two different entities. What I can say is they are the two sides of a coin. It seems like they are alike but far away to think like that.
If they look into a matter both have two different perspective. They can never think the same.Even people also look at them absolutely different.
The fair sex always have the advantage over the masculine, still they are weak. If a girl is short you say she is cute ,adorable. whereas if you she a short guy you do mockery on him saying he is short.If a girl is thin you say she is beautiful and a master piece. whereas for a boy you say he is lean and worth nothing.If a girl is dumb you help her but for boy you scold him.There are lot more examples where the fair sex gets advantage over the masculine. And the favor is done by a masculine.
Why do we always do a favor to girls?That's the rule of nature.We can't avoid it. We just follow. You may not do the same piece of help to a man which you might have done for an woman without any reason. People say girls are dumb. But I say boys are dumb .
Think about it!!!
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