It was 2:00 PM. I don't remember the date, but some day in the year 2007. I was doing my B Sc.
The day was special as we were celebrating annual function in our hostel. A big gate was made at the starting of the road which connects our hostel to the NH. All are busy in some work as the function about to start. Unfortunately a truck heavily loaded came in the road where our welcome gate stands. It broke the gate. Someone rushed into the hostel and shouted "Our gate is broken......our gate is broken".Everyone shocked.On everyone's face is only one question "What should we do?". One of the seniors, i should say the leader, heard it and got angry. He called all the inmates and said let's block the highway. No one denied. Everyone followed him. Some don't have a shirt on them, some with a short, someone with a drowsy face, someone without wearing a under wear ran to the highway. No one questioned why should we do that.All sat on the highway and blocked it.All of a suddenly the busy road became congested and the vehicles were diverted. Some media personnel came and started capturing the circus. They started to ask us why are you doing this and started adding their own story as they always do that. The SI of the nearest police station came with some police and tried to clear the road. He asked the reason and tried to make us understand the situation. But our so called leader was not ready to listen. Some of us were making fun out there.He said to call the SP. He said "Let SP come and we will talk to him".The SI said that SP is busy and he can't come. No one was ready to come out still the SP comes . I don't understand what SP has to do with this. Then after a long time SP came and started talking with our so called leader. He did his attempt to make us understand.He don't wanted to take any actions as we were students. He talked with us with a cool mind. He made us to stop the shit.
That's what a young mind is. They don't think for the second time.They just act on. A young mind doesn't have bounds. It simply reacts without any reason.